A blog about e-cigarettes
Tobacco harm reduction: The need for new products that can compete with cigaretteshttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306460313003729
Hold the line against tobaccohttp://www.bmj.com/content/348/bmj.f7686/rr/681015
Peering through the mist: systematic review of what the chemistry of contaminants in electronic cigarettes tells us about health riskshttp://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/14/18/abstract
*Picture of Burglar added* Betamorph E-Cigs in Albuquerque, NM was broken into last night so be on the watch for Stolen goods!!http://vapingdealsndiscounts.com/betamorph-e-cigs-in-albuquerque-nm-was-broken-into-last-night-so-be-on-the-watch-for-stolen-goods/
Do we need a ‘new settlement’ with Europe – or just a better sausage factory?http://blog.policy.manchester.ac.uk/sci-tech/2014/01/do-we-need-a-new-settlement-with-europe-or-just-a-better-sausage-factory/
Things I’m Sick of Hearing…http://ejuiceconnoisseur.com/2014/01/08/things-im-sick-of-hearing/
News Roundup for 1-10 – And it can crush walnutse-Cigarette News Roundup for 1-10 – And it can crush walnutshttp://stevevape.com/e-cigarette-news-roundup-1-10-can-crush-walnuts/
The European Commission has misinterpreted my scientific research on nicotine in e-cigaretteshttp://www.ecigarette-research.com/web/index.php/2013-04-07-09-50-07/85-whats-new/whats-new-2014/147-misinterpreted-research
FDA Head Tied to Big Pharmahttp://www.vapesquad.com/fda-head-tied-big-pharma/?utm_source=FB&utm_medium=Vapers+Network&utm_campaign=SNAP%2Bfrom%2BVape+Squad
A producer of electronic cigarette French welcomes the measures announced by Europehttp://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ma-cigarette.fr/producteur-de-cigarette-electronique-francais-salue-les-mesures-annoncees-par-leurope/&sandbox=0&usg=ALkJrhi94IMCbODc8TvEgrmtYiEpRjwq1A
URGENT CTA Chicago E-Cigarette Usage Ban 1-13-14http://blog.casaa.org/2014/01/urgent-cta-chicago-e-cigarette-usage.html
Tobacco harm reduction: The need for new products that can compete with cigarettes
Hold the line against tobacco
Peering through the mist: systematic review of what the chemistry of contaminants in electronic cigarettes tells us about health risks
*Picture of Burglar added* Betamorph E-Cigs in Albuquerque, NM was broken into last night so be on the watch for Stolen goods!!
Do we need a ‘new settlement’ with Europe – or just a better sausage factory?
Things I’m Sick of Hearing…
News Roundup for 1-10 – And it can crush walnuts
ReplyDeletee-Cigarette News Roundup for 1-10 – And it can crush walnuts
The European Commission has misinterpreted my scientific research on nicotine in e-cigarettes
FDA Head Tied to Big Pharma
A producer of electronic cigarette French welcomes the measures announced by Europe
URGENT CTA Chicago E-Cigarette Usage Ban 1-13-14